Images open the heart in a different way than words.
I am a facilitator for the practice of SoulCollage®, an enlightening collage process which uses simple materials and one’s natural intuition to create a unique deck of cards rich with personal meaning – each card representing a “voice” that influences one’s life. And no artistic background is needed whatsoever.
Remembering is the key to personal and spiritual growth. We tend to forget who we are – and the things that are important to us. SoulCollage® helps us remember.
Why SoulCollage?®
If finding a new way to creatively link spiritual connection and personal development intrigues you, please consider taking my Beginner’s Workshop. The gift this can be for you is quite profound.
Examples of Marie’s SoulCollage® cards. Click on each card for a detailed view and description. Please note that SoulCollage® cards are not to be copied, sold, traded, or bartered. SoulCollage® cards are for personal use only.
Examples of Marie’s SoulCollage® cards. Click on each card for a detailed view. Please note that SoulCollage® cards are not to be copied, sold, traded, or bartered. SoulCollage® cards are for personal use only.
I Am One Who Lets Out the Grief of my Soul's Dark Night
I am crushed and confused and disconnected, but yet am open to the comforting bend of Jesus and his whispers that all is not lost, that something new has been growing under the dark soil, and reminding me that the hard silence has always been permeated by gold.
I Am One Who Can Change What I Say To Myself
I understand now that the stories I tell myself *about* myself create a signal, a frequency pushed outward from the emotions they create in me. Unhealthy, repetitive, and conditioned thoughts and words can be challenged and replaced! I can send out brand new signals rather than reinforce the old ones! I will be as a peacock, conscious of my ability to spread beauty, starting with how I want to think, feel, and talk about myself.
I Am One Both Little Me and Current Me
I hold out my hand to my Little Self and my Little Self holds out her hand to me. I come to her with caresses and coos, telling her all is well and all will be well. I stand in the expansiveness of being, with my hand and heart outstretched across time with yearning and bursting love. I hold dear all of my precious ages with gratitude for their innate knowing amidst their trials and for their resilience during their unknowing.
I Am One Who Wants Her Heart To Be As a Chapel
… as a place of perpetual light, where the lights are left on for me, welcoming me, comforting me, beckoning me to sit awhile … to slow down the pace of my heartbeat long enough to watch the flicker of the candlelight with nowhere else to be, so I can look into God’s eyes and experience God looking into mine.
I Am One Who Has Courage to Open Different Doors
I have gifted myself by trying brand new things to see what might be there for me. I celebrate that griefs and constrictions have been healed and unstuck because of my dedication to practice fresh tools and ideas. I am encouraged to keep nurturing future Me with bravery and grace.
I Am One Who Chooses to Unhook Herself From All Manner of Inner Resentments
I realize that forgiving is the basis of all my healing, and that releasing resentment of myself is just as important as releasing others. Nursing hurts shade my present, my future, my dreams. I will call on God to guide me. I will liberate myself from needing to know why something painful happened with another, which deprives me of my energy. I will be open to any unpredictable surprise that unhooking myself brings.
I Am One Bereft
The cries come from way down, from my roots. I thought I prepared, but the grief is harder. I choke on the emotion within that’s trying to get out. My spirit is held captive, my brain and future seem blurry and without shape. I am one who feels love for this hurting one, who happens to be me. I allow the important moments to be felt, while I pour grace over myself.