What might you be freed from?

What might you be freed for?

The rest of your life is valuable. How do you want to feel?
I am Marie Kovitch and I offer spiritual support during difficult or confusing life events, through one-on-one spiritual direction; the Grief Recovery Method process; and the enlightening practice of SoulCollage®.


I’m Marie

As a certified Spiritual Director, Grief Recovery Method Specialist, and SoulCollage® Facilitator, I seek to support you… 

  • as you recognize God’s presence in your life
  • as you accept your thoughts, feelings and movements with grace
  • as you welcome the epiphanies that come when seeing yourself as God’s unique creation
  • as you then shift habits so you can experience your days more fully, honestly, and joyfully


What I offer

Spiritual Direction

A gentle process that helps determine what is impacting one’s spiritual journey

Grief Recovery Method

A practical method that helps with parts of grief that are heavy and often hidden


An enlightening practice using simple materials and natural intuition to create a unique deck of cards rich with meaning

The greatest gift we can give one another is rapt attention to one another’s existence.

Sue Atchley Ebaugh

As thou goest, step by step, the way shall open up for thee.

Paraphrase of Prov 4:12

That's the sacred intent of life, of God - to move us continuously toward growth, toward recovering all that is lost and orphaned within us and restoring the divine image imprinted on our soul.

Sue Monk Kidd

What visions and what disciplines do we need to creatively channel the spirit fire inside of us so that its end result is creative days and restful nights and an enduring peace with our God, each other, and within ourselves?

Ronald Rolheiser


Cultivating a Joyful Mind

Cultivating a Joyful Mind

As we attempt to be mindful of our spiritual and mental and physical health, we need to remember... That we don’t have to fix everything. Nor should we. That we don’t have to prevent everything. Nor can we. That we don’t have to make sense of something, or at least...

Moving Through Mourning

Moving Through Mourning

It’s the middle of the night.  My eyes are wide open, unblinking, in the dark of my bedroom.  My breaths are quickened, up near my collarbone, not the deep breaths from the core that come from peace and contentment.  I’m thinking about that one that wounded me, so...

Why Photos Awaken Feelings

Why Photos Awaken Feelings

Like many of you, I have always cherished photos.  That rush of excitement to see how the camera captured a moment in time, and that sense of gratefulness for the ability to remember not just that moment, but also that particular time in your life.  My 1960s and 1970s...

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Coming Up

Watch this space for my next offering - or email me at shebrokefree@gmail.com for upcoming opportunities
I thank these special people for their words
(scroll for more)
